SPARTAN PREPARATION TIP – What to Bring to the Event
The days leading up to a race can be the most troubling. You know the date and time of your event but do you need to bring anything else, and if so what? Money, your cell phone, the kitchen sink? The only required item you need to have with you is your photo ID – whew. So where do you put your ID when you are running? Good question.
Here is a list of recommended items and a bit on why they are important.
A Duffel Bag or Backpack – something that will easily carry your gear (noted below), that is visible (ease of recovery in bag check), and is comfortable to carry (sore after the race.)
Bag Check Money – $5 per bag
Parking Cash – Most events charge a fee between $10 and $20 to park.
Photo ID – Required
Bib Number – Printed on the top of your waver. You can also find this on the bib number wall at the event.
Waver – Printed and signed saves you time
Towel – Helpful for changing behind (even though there are changing tents) and for drying off after the last obstacle of the day – the cold shower station.
Change of Clothes – Something easy to put on and comfortable is preferred. Know what the weather may be like after the event so you can plan your change of close accordingly. A sweater is always a good item to have as you will likely get cold, even on a warm day, if you start to crash. Flip Flops are also handy as putting them on your beaten feet is kinder than stuffing them into a shoe.
Garbage Bag – Because everything you entered the race with will be muddy and wet.
Hat – Because your hairdo will not impress anyone – plus you might want some sun protection after being in it all day.
Snacks / Recovery Fuel – After a grueling race, your favorite bar, gel, or snack may be the best tasting thing you have had in months. Plus you are likely going to need something to counteract that beer.
Credit Card – In the event you have to bring home some Spartan merchandise outside of your medal and tee shirt. Or you forgot a snack and need to purchase some food – or another beer (not recommended.)
Cell Phone – Of course. This way you can be sure to take some muddy team photos, a selfie, and of obviously, tweet or post on your days success. Do turn it off during the race to save power and not punish the bag check crew with your ring tone.
All of the following items do not include your race attire or race reediness items. Stay tuned for a post on what to race in and what to have before the race to be properly fueled.